Love Quotes English Part 1

1. We accept the love we think we deserve ...
-Stephen Chobsky

2. It is better to be hated for what you than to be loved for what you are not... 
-Andre Gide

3. My heart made it's choice and it chose you.
-Colleen Hoover
4. The intensity in your eyes burns my pen as I write...
-Sanober Khan

5. When it comes to love do not ever settle for anything less than magical...
-Sanober Khan

6. You can't buy the love you want, you can't sell your love. Love is given by those who deserves it...
-Jayson Engay

7. In this story, I am the poet, you are the poetry...
-Arzum Uzun

8. Love is most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares...
-Aman Jassal

9. You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both...
-Nenia Campbell

10. There is nothing right or wrong in love. Where there is love, then there is nothing but only love.
-Sara Naveed


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